Kathryn's Exploration in Music - An Introduction

Hi all! 

My name is Kathryn Finley and I'm excited to be making my first blog post! For those who don't know me, I'm a quiet, adventurous gal from Alaska and one of my favorite pastimes is going on road trips and hiking. Right now, I'm preparing to graduate with a degree in mechanical engineering and a minor in music. I'm still not sure what will come after college, but, Lord willing, at some point I hope to give piano lessons.

I'd say my relationship with music is on the moderate side. I play and listen, but I don't compose or really improvise at all when I play. In high school, I began to become invested in learning my instrument and start listening to music (rather than just playing it). Since then, the whole world of music began to open up for me as different genres and styles resonated. I learned country makes you feel at home, sea shanties and orchestral epic are terrific for pumping you up for that hike or next wilderness adventure, and baroque is just so fun to play. I'm always on the lookout for a new perspective when it comes to music and I look forward to this exploration.

Here is a sample of my latest favorites:
Orchestral Epic


  1. That’s my best friend!

  2. You are so beautiful and inspiring to me. Every day I wake up knowing that you will have a post that I can stare at. I stare at if for hours before I even begin reading so I can fully basque in Kathryn’s presence. Then after each sentence I read I sob tears of joy because the purpose her blog brings me.

  3. I have given private lessons since I was in high school. Very rewarding.


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